
Assignment: Second Life

So the assignment for this week in class is to choose a topic and then to explore second life and it's worlds for material on the topic. I started my topics pretty specific, mostly by the different classes I teach in school, wood working, electronics, CADD, Technology, video production. After the search I realized I would have to choose a topic that was a bit more general as most of my searches came up with only 1 or 2 matches. Some came up with 1000's (electronics) but it was more for selling electronics in sl instead of learning about the physics of electronics.

The topic I decided to go with was SL worlds that Mr. Wilson might use in his classes that he teaches. This way I can include the 1 and 2 worlds from the above searches and still be able to come up with the 8 required. The great thing about this topic is after I have searched for the different worlds, I could possibly even use them in my class! This I feel is a lot more beneficial than choosing a topic that I wouldn't use in the future.

My next few postings should be of the slurl and screen shots of me in those worlds.

1 comment:

Dr. Z said...

I look forward to seeing your SLurls.

Have you done much on the Mansion in the Sky? Your dance floor is still there.